Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus

(last update: 19-02-2013)

Tim Audenaert
Maarten van Kleinwee


BHG 1cy May
BHG 1cy June
BHG 1cy July
BHG 1cy August
BHG 1cy September
BHG 1cy October
BHG 1cy November
BHG 1cy December

BHG 2cy January
BHG 2cy Febuary
BHG 2cy March
BHG 2cy April
BHG 2cy May
BHG 2cy June
BHG 2cy July
BHG 2cy August
BHG 2cy September
BHG 2cy October
BHG 2cy November
BHG 2cy December

BHG adult January
BHG adult Febuary
BHG adult March
BHG adult April
BHG adult May
BHG adult June
BHG adult July
BHG adult August
BHG adult September
BHG adult October
BHG adult November
BHG adult December



Black-headed Gull - Black spots

Below is an overview of individuals showing black spots on wing feathers.

Below: Second-calendar year Black-headed Gull, December 3, 2010, Zoetermeerseplas, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (52.088N, 4.506E). Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Second-calendar year Black-headed Gull with distinctive black spots on the tertials. Out of the 266 Black-headed gulls caught and ringed that day, two individuals showed these types of markings.

Below: Black-headed Gull E8YX with black spots on the alula and the primary coverts of P6 and P8. Note also the distinct black mark on the outer web of P9.

Ring info: metal ring added January 8, 2010, color ring added December 3, 2010, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Age: 2nd calendar year.

Below: Second-calendar year Black-headed Gull V-S, November 29, 2012, Musis Sacrumpark, Arnhem, The Netherlands (12.981N, 5.915E). Photos: Jeroen Nagtegaal.

Second-calendar year female with extensive dark markings on alula, primary coverts and outer secondaries. The tips of the tertials (not visible in the images) were also reported to be distinctly white.

Below: Adult Black-headed Gull, December 30, 2012, Leiden, The Netherlands (52.169N, 4.496E). Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Individual with black spots on the alula.