Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus

(last update: 19-03-2014)

Tim Audenaert
Maarten van Kleinwee


BHG 1cy May
BHG 1cy June
BHG 1cy July
BHG 1cy August
BHG 1cy September
BHG 1cy October
BHG 1cy November
BHG 1cy December

BHG 2cy January
BHG 2cy Febuary
BHG 2cy March
BHG 2cy April
BHG 2cy May
BHG 2cy June
BHG 2cy July
BHG 2cy August
BHG 2cy September
BHG 2cy October
BHG 2cy November
BHG 2cy December

BHG adult January
BHG adult Febuary
BHG adult March
BHG adult April
BHG adult May
BHG adult June
BHG adult July
BHG adult August
BHG adult September
BHG adult October
BHG adult November
BHG adult December




Black-headed Gull - 2cy December

This section deals with second-calendar year Black-headed Gulls in the month of December.


In December, second-calendar year Black-headed Gulls are in ’adult winter plumage. This second winter plumage is adult like but a small minority of gulls can be distinguished as ‘second winter plumage’ from 2cy August-3cy February by dark markings on tertials, outer primary coverts and alula.

Adult winter plumage is characterized as follows:   

  • Head: white with dark ear spots and traces of vertical bars above eyes. Moult of head starts with forehead, developing backwards.
  • Hindneck and underbody: white
  • Bare parts: bill deep red with dark tip, legs dark reddish, iris dark brown
  • Upperwing ‘tricoloured’:
    • p7-p10: white (with black edge of outer web not reaching tip on p10)
    • p5-p10: black-tipped, extending on to inner edge of inner web
    • p4-p7: with white extreme tip
    • p1-p6: grey with blackish-grey innerwebs on p1-p5
    • secondaries: grey with white tips
  • Underwing: outer primaries white, dark tipped, mid primaries dark
  • Tail: all white

Most of the description follows: 
P.J. Grant: "Gulls, a guide to identification".
K.M.Olsen: “Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America”.


1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy, TC687
5 December 2010, Zijlpoort, Leiden, The Netherlands (52.161N, 4.504E)
Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy, black spots on tertials
25 December 2010, Zoetermeerseplas, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
(52.088N, 4.506E)
Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy Arnhem 3.69899.
25 December 2010, Houtkamp, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands
(52.161N, 4.531E)
Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy U.K.
25 December 2010, Houtkamp, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands
(52.161N, 4.531E)

Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy Denmark 6H-9044.
25 December 2010, Leiden, The Netherlands (52.153N, 4.498E)
Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.

1cy Black-headed Gull in July. (85237 bytes)Black-headed Gull 2cy Helsinki ST217742.
25 December 2010, Buitenhofvijver, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands
(52.167N, 4.528E)